BALTIMORE (AP)—The Pittsburgh Steelers are AFC North champions, and earning the crown at the expense of the Baltimore Ravens added an extra measure of joy to the accomplishment.
Santonio Holmes caught a 4-yard touchdown pass from Ben Roethlisberger with 43 seconds left, and the Steelers clinched their second straight division title and earned a first-round bye by beating Baltimore 13-9 Sunday
It's been a minute ladies and gentlemen, but I promise to drop some good info to the masses on a weekly basis from this point on. Okay…lets get this started people; I want to talk about promoting your stage show so you can travel the world. As an unsigned artist I have been fortunate enough to perform in the UK, Texas, Virginia, DC, Maryland, Philly, New Jersey, New York, Boston, Detroit, & California. How was I able to do this? Simple, I actually put together a very entertaining show that creates a shock and awe effect. If an artist thinks they can go on a stage and rap over their recorded lyrics or just stand in the middle of the stage, you will probably only do 5 shows a year. I'm sorry, but you can't market yourself through shows if you perform and everyone forgets about you the next day and that will happen if the crowd doesn't see anything different then they can get from a signed artist. Look at it like this, if you're unsigned it's to your benefit to go out there and be prepared to wow the audience. I always looked at shows like a live music video because it is a way to express your songs concept and vision. We all have our own niche on stage; mine incorporates theater because that's what I got my degree in while in college. I'm not telling anyone to follow my lead, instead use it as a method to think outside of the box. If you go out there and express your music through careful movements, good mic projection, and interaction with the crowd, seventy five percent of the time you will get booked for another show on the spot. I can say that because it has happen to me numerous times. Believe me those doors will open systematically and you will be getting booked in bigger venues and opening for signed acts. I never say I know all when I speak about this marketing thing, but at the most I would like to change the way the average unsigned artist looks at shows. Still, it will help if you check out my first 3 blogs because promoting your brand/music will help boost your shows even more. Don't forget, make sure you go to and sign up with the AARC like I mentioned in my 2nd blog. They are based out of DC and the service is free, so go there and see why the AARC and performing go hand in hand